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Sell Your T-Mobile iPhone 16 Plus
How can I find out my iPhone model?
To identify your iPhone model you have, open the Settings app and navigate to General > About.
Need additional help identifying your iPhone?
Click here.
Choose the T-Mobile iPhone 16 Plus you want to sell
Trade In iPhone 16 Plus from T-Mobile
uSell's trade-in matches you with the highest offer for your T-Mobile iPhone 16 Plus. When you sell your T-Mobile iPhone 16 Plus, it's important that you select the correct model to ensure fast payment.
If you can't easily identify the iPhone that you are selling, you can check the iPhone 16 Plus specs by opening the Settings app and navigating to General > About. If you're having trouble finding out your iPhone specs, click here to learn which version iPhone you have. Or, just contact us! We're here to help!