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Sell Unlocked Motorola Cell Phones
How do I know my cell phone model?
To identify your phone, you can check the model number on the sticker under the battery or look in the phone's Settings app.

Choose the unlocked Motorola cell phone you're selling
Sell Your Unlocked Motorola Cell Phones
When you sell Unlocked Motorola cell phones, it's important that you correctly identify the model of your used phone, to ensure a fast a transaction and prevent potential requotes. Look through the list Unlocked Motorola phones above, and identify which cell phone model is yours. If you're not sure from the photos, you can also check the model number on the sticker under the battery or look in the phone's Settings app. After you confirm the cell phone model and click "Find Offers", you'll be able to choose a buyer to sell your Unlocked Motorola cell phone to.